Floods. Droughts. Snow storms. Thawing Permafrost…
Climate change shows many different faces, but all of them do already harm us and will continue to do so in the long run.

We as content creators have always sparked change by doing what we are passionate about, being independent and holding others accountable. Now, it is time to  hold ourselves accountable and lead in the fight against climate change.

Yearly CO2 Footprints compared


Learn about four simple steps to become a frontrunner of a carbon free community and set new standards for the future of content creation.


Connect your social media channels to our platform and we calculate your total carbon footprint, caused by the creation and consumption of your content across all channels.


By funding science-backed projects that remove or prevent the same amount or more of emissions elsewhere, you neutralize your carbon footprint.  That makes you and your community CO2 neutral.


We certify you with the official „WE.FFECT Green Creators label“ – the new standard for sustainable creators. You can embed it on all your channels and let everyone know at first glance that you are a pioneer of a new sustainable creator movement.


Become part of the WE.FFECT family to use additional services like: partnership sustainability assessments, WE:FFECT creator profiles and collaborations among partners and creators at amplifying events and more.


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of Europeans between
15-35 are worried about climate change
0 %
of Europeans between
15-35 are are using social media at least two times a week
0 %
of Europeans between
15-35 are engaging with the topic "climate change" on social media
0 %

More and more people are feeling the effects of climate change, unfortunately. But there is hope, as scientists suggest that public visibility and popularity of celebrities can influence public opinion and behavior. Nothing new – cool. But what if we make use of it to fight climate change?

Scientists suggest that followers and communities not only passively acquire knowledge from the content that creators share, but also adopt the propagated behaviors and play an important role in spreading the message through peer communication. By sharing the effects of adopting the specific lifestyle, they provide a testimony and positive reinforcement to the ‘newcomers’ of a community. Given these findings, scientists show that social media drives consumers change.
In our case: towards carbon neutrality of corporates, creators and followers.


Our atmosphere is already bursting with carbon dioxide. As we live and love, we create emissions – everyone of us. But to save climate we must:​

That's where neutralization comes in:

To do that, we are supporting projects, most effective in reducing future emissions and ones that soak up the CO2 that is already in the atmosphere. In doing so, we select those neutralizing partner by strong science-backed criteria.

So we ensures that your footprint of carbon dioxide is either avoided or removed from the atmosphere entirely.

There are three main categories of projects:

🌲 Forestry and land use
including forest conservation, afforestation reforestation, and soil carbon

☀️ Renewable energy projects decreasing industrial emissions 
including waste disposal

💡 Energy efficiency


Creators have already proven that we have the reach and power to create permanent change. But without ecological insights, even the most sustainable creators are unable to recognize the true impact of their daily doing.

This is why we build a platform to calculate our carbon footprint: this allows us to evaluate the GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions involved for the creation and consumption of our content. Our approach provides creators with the insight to scientifically quantify, visualize and forecast the environmental effects of their content and products.

This knowledge empowers us creators to make sustainable and strategic decisions. It also allows followers and communities to understand the impact of digital consumption and makes them more conscious in their everyday life.

We as creators have the incredible power to reach people and create global movements.
It has never been easier!

starts now

Share your expertise as a creator to shape the future of carbon neutral communities.
Let's talk!

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